Programming Languages

Describe your experience building a program using Scratch.

I found it quite interesting to build in scratch. I had never heard of it prior to this course
and was eager to start clicking away. I found scratch to be user friendly, and it also
reminded me of a children’s computer game from the 80’s.

Identify the difficulties that you encountered in Scratch.

The only difficulties that I had was figuring out how to use all of the many options.

Explain how you overcame the difficulties.

I overcame those obstacles by trial and error and also watching the help videos.

Describe the insights that you gained about programming from this exercise.

I didn’t really gain any insight about programming, I just had fun playing around.

Compare your experience programming in Scratch with the participation
activities in Sections 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11 of the textbook that explored
machine language, assembly language, and high-level languages, such as

Although programming in scratch seems like it would be easier in theory, for me it was
not. I find it much easier to freehand code rather than to use the code blocks. The code
black are faster, though.

Describe the differences between the programming languages. Identify which
language you found easiest to use.
Scratch is different from other programming languages because it provides you with
blocks of code that you assemble. In other languages, you freehand the code yourself.

I found that scratch was easier to use, but it’s not my preferred language. Maybe that
will change as I use it more.

Describe scenarios where each type of programming language would be most

As of right now, I can’t think of a scenario where scratch would be most effective.
Maybe it would be most effective in the way we used it for this assignment. To quickly
tell a story. Python is used to simplify the software development process.

Explain which programming language you think is the most popular and why.

I think python is the most popular programming language because it is used for
backend Web Development, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, and Scientific
Computing. It’s a language that is used by beginners and experts.


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